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November 28, 2011


abercrombie fitch madrid

Grazas por acceder meu blog para visitar. Espero que todas as cousas son ben con vostede. EnvĂ­o-lle os mellores votos para o Nadal eo Ano Novo.
O que dixo fixo moito sentido.


OOOOooopsy, I meant granddaughter! <3


Congratulations on your new grandson! How wonderful!! Beautiful photos, awwwww. So happy to see you back. I think a lot of us took a year off. I hope to be better at journaling/blogging this year! Happy New Year!!! xo

Heather~ Pretty Petals

AHHH... she is gorgeous Robin!! What an exciting Christmas for you!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog to visit. I hope all things are well with you. Sending you the warmest wishes for Christmas and the new year.
xoxoxo Heather

Lori @ My Vintage Whimsy

She's so beautiful!! Congrats to your whole family.

Beth Leintz

Granny Robin, what a beautiful little treasure you've got there. Glad to here "grandmotherhood" agrees with you!


I, too, just became a grammy about 2 weeks ago. There is nothing like it in the world! I can't get enough of my new granddaughter either. You can never take too many baby pictures! Enjoy! Amy


So good to hear from you Robin. Your little grandbaby is so adorable. I can certainly understand your fascination with her!! Glad you are happy and well! Enjoy this beautiful holiday season!!

Two Barking Dogs

Congratulations! and .. wow! what a beautiful baby! I know you are all over the moon and everything smells like baby powder .. ahhh.

Take care, and welcome back.


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