Wow. I think this is the longest I've ever gone without writing on my blog. Right after I pushed publish on that last post, my mom was hospitalized with pneumonia. She was in ICU and my days and nights were consumed with being at her bedside along with my two sisters.
But she's a strong Norwegian, and before long she was back at her assisted living facility getting better every day. If it weren't for their excellent care things might not have turned out so well. They immediately noticed her difficulty breathing and called 911.
(picture taken last Halloween)
While she was sick all my spare time was spent visiting and worrying. I lost my creative mojo.
I was slowly starting to get it back.....I painted an old door I bought months ago. It felt good. Then something completely unexpected fell out of the sky right in front of my feet.
I found retail space to rent to open my own shop!
looking and wishing and wondering for several years now and it is finally going to happen....and SOON! The deal is not completely finalized yet but It will be in a prime retail location in an "old town" historical area. The space is finished and ready for me to move in.
It's a big scary exciting "I want to go for it - I don't want to go for it" emotional roller coaster. I guess I have to take a chance at something if I really want it. My older daughter is coming along for the ride with me.
I hope to find a few others that might be interested in renting out some of the space so I don't have such a HUGE store to fill. But I'm willing to take the chance on my own if I have to.
Right now my back patio is LOADED with furniture that I've collected this weekend that has to be moved into the basement to be painted. The next month will be crunch time.
I am ready.
Please stop by and visit me..... The Faded Farmhouse