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August 16, 2010


Dawn Gahan

We're doing the same thing with my grandmother, giving her pictures and talking her through them. It's amazing to see not only the recognition in her eyes but the soft smile she makes as she sorts through the memories in her head. So special.

Your mom is lucky to have you.



What a wonderful photo of your mom holding the pillow. What a great idea! You're so precious.


I am on Facebook, and I love it for the same reasons-reconnecting with people you've lost track of over time. It's been a very good thing for me. I just loved seeing the old black and white pics. I cry about things like that too. oh, my...
I love the whole pillow idea. I think that is just perfect for your mom. And you did a beautiful job with it!

Karen - The Graphics Fairy

What a lovely story Robin. You were so thoughtful to make such a sweet gift for your mother! I loved the photos of the beautiful house and barn too, how exciting that you've found some family members, through Facebook, and that they had such wonderful treasures to share with you!

Alison Gibbs

It will be wonderful if it brings some memories back for you mother. Such a sweet thought


Robin, this is such a lovely story. You hit on the perfect idea - to turn that photo into a pillow. It must have been so wonderful when you saw that look on your mother's face.


Hilary Cooper-Kenny

What a sweet story, and a beautiful gift! your mom was a lovely young girl.


What a wonderful photo and such a sweet and thoughtful gift for your dear mother!


What a beautiful post... and such a meaningful gift... so lovely....


That pillow is amazing! Love it.. HOw did you print that on that fabric? What a great gift idea!
Thanks for sharing.

Beth Leintz

I loved looking at the old farm pictures and hearing about your Mom reading her Nancy Drew curled up in the window seat. How wonderful that you're able to connect with cousins that have a shared past with your Mom and give her that special pillow.


Funny, having never met her, and only seeing photos here, I recognized your pretty mom right away. There is a certain tugging on the heartstrings to see our parents so young and with their whole lives ahead of them. We just have to remember there were a lot of years and a lot of life lived in the years in between. You are such a loving daughter, the pillow turned out beautifully (maybe you could do a tutorial some day?) and your mom will have it there with her to enjoy any time:>)

Oh yes, I facebook, but only to stalk my kids. lol

Account Deleted

I love the old house and barn. I grew up on a farm in Minnesota so can relate to how there was always work to be done. The pillow was such a sweet idea, its beautiful. Amy

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